Notes on Compression
The MR/1 Approach to Compression
- A range of wavelet and multiple scale morphological transforms are
- Very good results, incorporating robustness,
are obtained with the pyramidal median transform.
- Extensive evaluation has been carried out, based on astrometrical
and photometrical experiments on astronomical images.
- Resolution-based progressive transmission has been prototyped.
- So too has applet-based client-side decompression and display.
- Even fairly large images (e.g. upwards of 800x800) take a minute or
two (machine-dependent) for compression, and decompression is immediate.
- For various examples, evaluation, and to read further:
- Chapter 7 of J-L Starck, F Murtagh and A Bijaoui, Image and Data
Analysis: the Multiscale Approach", Cambridge University Press, 1998.
- F Murtagh, J-L Starck and M Louys, "Very high quality image
compression based on noise modeling", International
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 9, 38-45, 1998.
- JL Starck, F Murtagh, B Pirenne and M Albrecht,
"Astronomical image compression based on noise suppression",
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific,
108, 446-455, 1996.