Fionn Murtagh's
Multivariate Data Analysis Software and Resources


  1. Multivariate Data Analysis Software
  2. Where Is This Software Used?
  3. Various Other Programs
  4. Other (Very!) Important Collections of Software
  5. Complementary Reading in Connection with These Programs
  6. Multivariate Data Analysis - Background Reading

1. Multivariate Data Analysis Software

This is a collection of stand-alone routines, in Fortran (mostly) and C. Sample data sets are available. Indications are given on how to compile, link and run. Download the programs and run on your system. Many of these programs were originally used on a VAX/VMS system, and were also used on Unix (SunOS, Solaris) systems. Please notify the author of any problems (although the programs are provided "as is" and there are many evident improvements which could be made). These programs are used in conjunction with the DEA course on "Analyse multivariée en astronomie" taught by Fionn Murtagh at Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory. The example of compiling, linking and running given for principal components analysis (in Fortran) is similar to what is required for the other Fortran programs here.

>Depending on your setup, these programs may have their texts run together. Save as "source" to have the programs properly formatted.

1.5. Where Is This Software Used?

2. Various other programs

3. Other (Very!) Important Collections of Software

4. Complementary Reading in Connection with These Programs

This is a selection of books and papers by F. Murtagh. Co-authors are indicated. Mostly these are astronomy-related texts, but not exclusively. Mostly they are also related to the software methods implemented in the above programs.

5. Multivariate Data Analysis - Background Reading

The following contains various web resources. Some are really very good.

6. Datasets

Datasets can be revealing... They can illustrate particular classes of method.

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Last update: 2001-May-24.
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