Correspondence Analysis: Original Programs in Pascal
Analyse des Correspondances: Programmes originaux en Pascal
- qori, programs for correspondence analysis,
including data preparation, diagonalization, and handling supplementary
elements. Functions and subroutines included: qori, litab, supeler, carrer,
and others.
- zBurt, programs for processing Burt tables.
Functions and subroutines included: zBurt, nommer, vercoder, teter,
verteter, verinum, liger, burt, burter, creburter, sorburter, vider,
- Utility programs.
Mac OS 9 or earlier. Please let me know if you use these programs.
Mac OS 9 ou antérieur.
Merci de me signaler si vous utilisez ces programmes.
Fionn Murtagh, f m u r t a g h [ a t ] a c m . o r g
Last updates: 2004/03/28, 2006/02/5